Month: October 2018

Zechariah: Prophet of Throne & Temple [Examining Biblical Literature]

Historical Background: Zechariah the prophet was preaching in Jerusalem at the same time as Haggai. They both were speaking to the Jews who had returned to begin rebuilding the city, the temple, and their people. […]

Reading the Bible Origen-ly [Course Reverie]

As our class on early church history continues, we focused most of our night on the person and work of Origen. A fascinating character in the early church. He was one of the first exegetes […]

Why I Hid my Daughter from the Internet [Common Thought]

A few weeks ago, our family invited a beautiful baby girl into our life. Unless you had met us face to face you would not have known about our pregnancy. I had elicited my wife’s […]

Ruth: Motherhood Redeeming Suffering [Examining Biblical Literature]

Historical Background: There is not too much information in the text of Ruth to determine a time or place where the story of Ruth originated. There are two possible options. The first option is that […]

Hosea: Prophet of Sex & Worship [Examining Biblical Literature]

Historical Background: The book of Hosea seems to have developed in a similar style to the Isaiah text. There are parts of Hosea that seem to be very early, reaching back to before the Assyrian […]

Beginning with History & Identity [Course Reverie]

This last week began classes at Northern Seminary, and the class for my MANT cohort this fall quarter is over the first half of Christianity’s history. Dr. Nassif, our teacher, will place a strong emphasis […]